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DIY Detergent

Leichte Schwierigkeit Niedrige Kosten 15 mins Meeresabfälle

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DIY Detergent

Ingredients & Ustensils

- 1l of water 

- 10g of Marseille soap 

- 10g of Black soap 

- 10 drops of essential oil 

- 1 teaspoon of soda crystals 

- grater 

- glass jar

- spoon 

- funnel 

- stew pot 


Step 1 : Grate the Marseille soap 

Grate the soap and put it in a little pot 

Step 2: Pour into the stew pot 

Pour all the ingredients (Marseille soap, black soap and the soda crystal)  into the stew pot 

Step 3 : Mix the preparation 

Add to the water

Mix until the soap flakes are completely dissolved

Leave to cool for 30 minutes

Step 4: Add the essential oil 

Add ten drops using a funnel

To finish pour the mix into a glass jar

Tips and tricks

- Anti-bacterial and hypo-allergenic properties

- Powerful stain remover and degreaser

- Natural anti-scaler

TIPS: Use a small cup per wash.

For white clothes, add a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate.

Hinzugefügt am 30/10/18von Compte Officiel

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